Title: A Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential Study to find out Auditory Pathway Status among Children with Speech & Language Impairment
Authors: Dr Sonali Majumdar, Dr Hiya Bhattacharya, Prof (Dr) Malay Dasgupta
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.147
Background: Speech and Language impairment in children have multifactorial aetiology. Among them, hearing problem plays an important role. Brainstem Evoked Response Audiometry (BERA), which can assess Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potential (BAEP), is an useful and objective screening tool toevaluate functional integrity of auditory pathway.
Aims: The study was done to observe changes of BAEP parameters in children with delayed speech and to assess auditory pathway involvement based on BERA findings.
Methods: This cross sectional study, done in Eastern region of India, included Two fifty children (n=250) with delayed speech and one twenty normal children. The cases were divided into four groups according to age -Group 1(<1yr); Group 2(1-3yrs); Group3 (3-6yrs); Group 4(6-12yrs). BAEP values of each group was compared with corresponding control group of similar age and intra group comparison was also performed. Statistical analysis was done by Student t test, ANOVA and Tukey HSD post-hoc test.
Results: BAEP findings of groups were
Group 1- statistically significant prolongation of wave I in right ear
Group 2-statistically significant prolongation of Waves I, V and I-V inter peak latency in both the ears.
Group 3- statistically significant prolongation of all the Waves and I-V inter peak latency in left side and significant delay of all waves except wave I in right side.
Group 4- statistically significant prolongation of I, V Waves and I-V inter peak latency in left side and statistically significant delay of wave I in right side.
In intra group comparison.
statistically significantly prolongations were seen in
- right sided wave I latencyin group 2 than group 3
- right sided wave V and I-V inter wave latencies in group 1,2,3 than Group 4.
Out of 250 children, 157 children showed absent waves either in one or both the ears.
Conclusions: This study identified significant dysfunction of auditory pathway in children with delayed speech. Thereby it indicates the necessity of BERA as screening method.
Keywords: Children, Delayed speech, Auditory pathway, BERA.