Title: Hereditary Multiple Exostoses: A Rare Case Report
Authors: Dr Bipul Kumar Garg, Dr Omkar Ranjit Shinde, Dr Dheeraj Vithal Sonawane, Dr Kishor Bapuji Jadhav
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.126
Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (HME) is a genetically transmitted bone dysplasia that is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. It usually presents after the age of two years as multiple bony growths on the appendicular skeleton. As a rare condition (incidence of 0.9-2/100,000), it is not commonly seen in our environment. This paper presents the clinical and radiological features of one patient seen in our hospital.
Patient who manifested features of hereditary multiple exostoses at the age of fourteen years is presented. The main presenting features were painless progressively increasing bony swellings in both upper and lower limbs. One of them had pressure symptoms which necessitated surgical excision of the symptomatic exostosis. Fine needle aspiration cytology confirmed the diagnosis of osteochondroma. Hereditary multiple exostoses though rare, do occur in our environment and the management is essentially by masterly inactivity except when the bony swellings exhibit any complications or there is concomitant deformity.
Keywords: Hereditary, Multiple, Exostoses, Deformity.