Title: Pathological analysis of semen in cases of male Infertility of patients attending in tertiary care hospital at NMCH, Patna, Bihar
Authors: Dr Manohar Lal, Dr O. P. Dwivedy
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.111
Objective: In the assessment of unexplained infertility the evaluation of seminal characteristics is primary and Paramount, as far as the male is concerned .Present study was undertaken to determine the role of seminal examination in cases of male infertility.
Material and Methods: A total of 124 male infertile patients were included in the studies. The collection of semen samples and examination were according to standardized methodology as per the current recommendation of CAP and 5th edition of WHO guidelines. Sample collection through masturbation after 3 to 5 days of abstinence periods. Physical parameters examined were volume, appearance, viscosity, contaminants, PH, coagulation and Liquefaction. Quantitative and Qualitative analysis were done.
Result: Majority of infertile men were 25 to 35 years of age and had been married for 1- 3 years, when they were submitted themselves for fertility assessment. Physical parameters were important cause, depletion in semen volume, altered color and PH changes were found informative. We also found the microscopic arm of semen analysis very useful in pin pointing existing deficits in the male. Some significant correlation was also observed between abnormal microscopic parameters and clinical conditions.
Conclusion: Semen analysis is the preliminary screening procedure which if carried out with standard methodology and criteria, is very valuable in separating a significant percentage of infertile male who would benefit from routine medical and surgical intervention for restoration of their infertility.
Keywords: Semen, Infertility, sample collection, Methods.