Introduction: Carcinoma of breast is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in the most of the countries and is also the leading cause of cancer death. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in India with ASR incidence 24.7/100,000 and mortality 13.4/100.000. Triple Negative Breast Cancers (TNBC) are regarded as one of the malignant phenotypes, principally accounting for 12-25% of invasive breast cancers.
Material and Methods: Patients data was collected from hospital registry in our Institute Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (MMIMSR), Mullana, Ambala in Haryana from period 2015 to Dec 2018. All diagnosed cases of breast cancer were included in study. A total of 153 cases were registered. All patients had pathological diagnosis. Out of 153 patients 83 patients had IHC available.
Results: In this study 153 patients were reviewed. The median age of presentation was 50 years (range 30-85). Around 27% patients were younger than 40 years. 52% patients were in age group 40-60 while 20% were above age 60. Most of patients had tumor size less than 5cm (38%) while 33% patients had tumor size more than 5cm. Majority of patients presented with lump in breast followed by pain and discharge. complete IHC done revealed ER positivity in 13.7%, PR positivity 12.4% and HER2 Neu receptor positivity in 10%. In this study incidence of TNBC is 43%. Majority of patients had Intraductal Carcinoma (>90%). Pathologically 57% patients had grade III tumor while 35% were grade II tumor.
Incidence of TNBC is 43% in this study.
Conclusion: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in India. In our study it was observed that most of the patients were 40-60 years age. Majority of the patients had grade III tumor. Incidence of TNBC was found to be higher in our study. Larger dadta is required for conclusive results.
Keywords: TNBC, North India.
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Corresponding Author
Hakim A
Department of Radiotherapy and Oncology, Maharishi Markandeshwar Institute of Medical Sciences and Research (MMIMSR), Mullana, Ambala, Haryana, INDIA