Title: An Unusual Complication of Fibroid during Postpartum Period: Degenerated Fibroid Mimicking Postpartum Uterine Haematoma
Authors: Manika Agarwal, Lungan Rongmei, Subrat Panda
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.103
A case of 38 years female presenting in emergency department with lower abdominal pain, fever and vomiting on day 13 puerperium. She developed this symptoms 4-5 day post caesarean. On examination patient was febrile with temperature 101.8 degree farenheit and tachypneic .She was also having tachycardia and was pale. On abdominal and vaginal examination uterus was 14 weeks size, mildly tender. After admission patient was started with supportive treatments and antibiotics. On MRI examination, it showed a posterior uterine wall haematoma with mass effect. As patient fever was not responding to higher antibiotics and as posterior uterine wall collection may be the cause of fever, so patient was prepared for emergency laparotomy on 4th October. Intraoperatively there was a solid-cystic mass in posterior uterine wall, which was eneucleated and send for HPE.