Title: Various Underlying Pathologies Causing Chronic Low Back Pain and their Relationship with Demographic Parameters and Co-Morbidities: A Cross Sectional Study
Authors: Dr Asoke Kumar Middya, Dr Dilip Kumar Khatua, Dr Kshetra Madhab Das
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.74
Introduction: Chronic low back pain (LBP) is very common in Indian community. It is a major cause of activity limitation and is a very common musculoskeletal disorder requiring physiatric intervention. Most of the referred cases of low back pain coming to the physical medicine & rehabilitation (PMR) department, after careful evaluation and investigations, reveal a myriad of pathological condition.
Aims and Objectives: To find out the distribution and incidence of various pathological conditions presenting as chronic low back pain and its relationship with demographic parameters and pre-existing pathologies and co-morbidities.
Materials & Methods: Total three hundred patients of all genders of chronic LBP with functional impairment were included in this cross sectional observational study. Appropriate clinical examinations, radiological and other necessary investigations were done. Descriptive statistical tools were used for data analysis.
Results: Majority were ageing adults with higher incidence of female patients. Lumbar degeneration or spondylosis, the leading cause of permanent spinal damage, seems to be the major cause of chronic LBP. Atraumatic vertebral fractures were associated with underlying pathologies. Those with systemic diseases had more prevalence of gross vertebral osteoporosis.
Conclusion: Predominance of vertebral and paravertebral tissue pathologies as the major cause of chronic LBP may be related with its typical biomechanics. Relation was seen between atraumatic vertebral fracture and underlying pathologies. Systemic pathology predisposes to gross vertebral osteoporosis.
Keywords: Chronic Low Back Pain, Mechanical Low Back Pain, Lumbar Spine, Spondylosis, Osteoporosis, Biomechanics