Title: Recurrent Pleomorphic Sarcoma of Scalp: A Case Report
Authors: Dr Amit Kichloo, Dr Parag Roy, Dr Sakina Mankada, Dr U Suryanarayan, Dr Akash Pandya
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.62
The differential diagnosis of skull and scalp lesions is broad and includes congenital, inflammatory, traumatic and neoplastic lesions. Though there are few reports on pleomorphic sarcoma of scalp and approach to management, this case report is to draw attention for role of radiotherapy as adjuvant treatment modality for this disease.
Case Report
A 33 years old male presented in radiotherapy OPD at our institute with swelling over the right occipital region. On taking detailed history, patient mentioned that around one and half years back he had a painless scalp swelling on the right occipital region. He was operated at local hospital for the same.