A study of histochemistry of endometrium in infertility was done in department of gynae and obstetrics Skims soura.50 cases of infertility both primary and secondary were studied during period of one year. Premenstrual Endometrial biopsy was done and specimen was stained by H and E stains.
Aims and Objectives
- To study histochemistry of endometrium in infertility
- Their chances of achieving a successful pregnancy.
Inclusion Criteria
All cases of infertility both primary as well as secondary
Results: Total no. of cases taken were 50.those with primary infertility were 80% and those with secondary infertility were 20%.Maximum patients were in age group of 20-30 years. Morphorlogical changes noticed were Secreatory endometrium in 64% of primary and secondary infertility. Proliferative anovulatory in 13 cases, 26% of primary and secondary infertility, cystoglandular in 8%(4cases) and Tubercular endometritis in 2%(1 case)
Conclusion: Premenstrual Endometrial biopsy is thus important tool in assessing morphological changes of endometrium in infertility.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Shazia Nisar
Senior Resident Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Skims Soura, India