Title: A Retrospective Study of Histopathology of Psoriasis Vulgaris in a Tertiary Hospital
Authors: Renuka Satish Ashtekar, Anup Phadke, Pramila Patil, Yogesh M Shah
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i6.07
Introduction: Psoriasis affects about 1.5-3% of world's population. There are other papulosquamous dermatoses mimicking psoriasis morphologically which can be differentiated histopathologically. The histologic changes in psoriasis vulgaris (plaque psoriasis) vary considerably depending on the stage of the lesion.
Aims and Objectives: This study was done to evaluate the occurence of Munro micro-abscess and the spongiform pustule of Kogoj in psoriasis vulgaris and to evaluate various histologic changes in psoriasis vulgaris.
Materials & Methods: A retrospective, cross sectional study done in Dept of Pathology & Dept. of DVL, for a period of 6 months, in which Histopathology slides and Clinical notes in the records of patients with diagnosis of Psoriasis from Jan 2012 to Dec 2016.
Statistical analysis: Percentages
Results: A total of 44 diagnosed cases of psoriasis were studied, male to female ratio was 1.09: 1 and maximum patients were in 3rd & 4th decade. Out of 44 cases, 40 (90.90%) cases had erythematous scaly plaques f/b hyperpigmented plaques in 4 (9.10%) and limbs was commonest site of involvement f/b trunk, scalp & face. Histopathological findings of Acanthosis, Parakeratosis, Suprapapillary thining, Hypogranulosis & Dilated capillaries were seen in maximum cases. Munro’s microabscesses & Spongiform pustule of Kogoj were seen in 38 (86.36%) & 10 (22.72%) respectively.
Conclusion: Psoriasis has varied clinical presentations. So, biopsy of a lesion at different stages of presentation in same patient will differ. Presence of Munro’s microabscess & Spongiform Pustule of Kogoj is seen in early lesion of psoriasis, these may not be seen in long – standing lesions. Other histological features alongwith clinical correlation may help in diagnosis of psoriasis even in absence of Munro’s microabscess & Spongiform pustule. So, histopathology serves as a diagnostic tool and rules out other lesions that mimic psoriasis.
Keywords: Psoriasis, Munro’s microabscesses, Spongiform Pustule of Kogoj.