Title: Effect of Dexmendetomidine on Emergence Agitation in Children Undergoing Surgeries using Sevoflurane- Randomized Controlled Observational Study
Authors: Dr Mukesh Kumar, Dr Mukesh Kumar Kanth, Dr Usha Suwalka
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.157
Background: Emergence agitation is one of the post-operative complication after paediatric surgeries. Its incidence ranging in literature from 10% to 80%1. Sevoflurane is very commonly used inhalational anaesthetic agent in induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. Incidence of emergence agitation may be high as 67%2 when Sevoflurane is used.
Study Design: Randomized controlled observational study
Objective: Aim of this study was to assess the effect of DEXMENDETOMIDINE in prevention of emergence agitation in children (between 6 and 12 yrs of age) after undergoing various surgeries using Sevoflurane as an anaesthetic agent.
Method: This study included 150 patients randomly classified into two groups. Group A underwent surgeries using sevoflurane as sole anaesthetic agent and Group B underwent surgeries using Sevoflurane with Dexmendetomidine intravenously. In Post operative stage all patients were assessed for emergence agitation using PAED3 scale. Those having PAED score equal to or more than 16 were considered agitated.
Result: Dexmendetomidine group had reduced emergence agitation (10.7%).
Keywords: Emergence agitation, objective pain scale, Sevoflurane, Dexmendetomidine.