Title: Prevailing Menstrual Hygiene Practices and help seeking behaviour among School going Adolescents Girls in Gwalior Township
Author: Dr Piyush D.Swami
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.156
In Indian society Menstruation is not a subject to talk openly and freely. In Indian families there is restriction to talk about menstruation, menstruating girls are isolated and restrictions being imposed on them in the family. There is lack of knowledge regarding normal physiological phenomenon of menstruation among Indian adolescents girls. This study is conducted To assess the practices of menstrual hygiene among school going adolescent girls. To assess how socioeconomic status affect absorbent material used. To assess the help seeking behaviour and source of help among school going adolescent girls.
Results: 73% girls have menarche at 13-14 years,75% girls are using sanitary pads, class-I and class-II socioeconomic status are using sanitary pads,25%girls seek help for their menses related problems and family members mainly mothers are most common source of help providers.
Conclusion: There are myths and taboos regarding menstrual hygiene practices, Parents should sense the need of their daughters and have to give more liberal and helping atmosphere to their daughters, role of health education is vital in maintaining menstrual health of adolescents girls.