Title: Comparative Assessment of External Ear: Morphometric Study and Sexual Dimorphism in Medical Student in SMS Medical College, Jaipur
Authors: Yadav Vishva Deepak, Agarwal Chandra Kala, Rajoria Sushil Raj
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.131
Introduction: Ear is not only an organ of hearing but it also maintains equilibrium. The knowledge about anatomy of ear is important for the plastic surgeons. Like fingerprints, the shape, size and orientation of each pinna play important role for identification of a person. Present study was planned to know the physical variations in ear dimensions and to know the role of ear lobule parameters in individual identification.
Materials and Methods: A cross sectional observational study was carried out at Department of Anatomy, SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Rajasthan) from March 2017 to February 2018. After taking permission from institutional ethics committee 258 medical students of 17-24 years and native of Rajasthan were included in the study. Individuals with altered external ear morphology by trauma, accidents or surgery were excluded. Various parameters of external ear like presence of free lobule, length and width of ear and lobule were measured and auricular and lobular indices were calculated. The data were statistically analysed using student ’t’ test. P-value < 0.05 was considered as statistically significant.
Results: The free lobule was found in 84.2% subjects while ear lobule was attached in 15.8% subjects. The mean ear length of right and left ear in males were 6.12±0.40 cm, 6.03±0.54 cm respectively while in females it was 5.55±0.44 cm, 5.48±0.38 cm respectively. The mean ear width of right and left ear in males were 3.24±0.34 cm, 3.09±0.39 cm respectively while in females it was 2.80±0.37 cm, 2.65±0.36 cm respectively. The mean lobular length of right and left ear in males were 2.21±0.34 cm, 2.12±0.27 cm respectively while in females it was 2.17±0.30 cm, 2.07±0.23 cm respectively. The mean lobular width of right and left ear in males were 2.62±0.39 cm, 2.35±0.33 cm respectively while in females it was 2.44±0.42 cm, 2.31±0.38 cm respectively.
Conclusion: Morphometric database of auricle is a potential suggestion for the diagnosis of congenital malformation, acquired deformities and syndromes as well as make a useful conclusion for purpose of forensic investigation of the crime.
Keywords: Medical students, External Ear, Morphometry, Sexual dimorphism.