Title: Palliative Emergency mediastinal tracheostomy in carcinoma thyroid
Authors: Dr Amit Kumar Agarwal, Mch CTVS, Dr Sunil Dhar, Mch CTVS, Dr Anubhav Gupta, Dr Ajit Kumar Padhy
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.130
Emergency mediastinal tracheostomy is life saving in patients with unresectable cervical tumors, in whom the site of the tracheostomy lies in the upper mediastinum in the tumor free area. Radiotherapy increases the risk due to substernal adhesion and presence of vascular structure make the procedure complex in this area. Careful nibbling of manubrium and left sternoclavicular joint with lateral traction of proximal 1-2cm of innominate artery after their origin from aorta gives a good exposure of substernal segment of trachea.