Chronic liver disease is an end stage disease and hematological abnormalities are common finding in it, adding morbidity to primary pathology and increase the mortality. The study was conducted to assess the hematological abnormalities and haemostatic derangements in CLD patients in north bihar to reduce the morbidity. Broadly, the hematological abnormities are viewed under abnormalities in RBCS, WBCS, platelets and coagulation profile.
Methods: Total 50 patients who fulfilled our criteria were enrolled in our hospital, DMCH, Darbhanga. Patients were investigated after their oral and written consents wherever required.
Results: Various hematological abnormalities encountered were normocytic, Normo-chromic Anemia, Macrocytic mostly in alcholics, leukocytosis was more compared to leucopenia and thrombocytopenia, increased prothrombin time and APTT.
Conclusion: Every chronic liver disease patients must be evaluated for hematological abnormalities and should be treated accordingly as early possible.
Keywords: Chronic liver disease, hematological abnormalities, anaemia.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Jitendra Kumar Singh
PG Resident Medicine Department (Session 2017-2020), Darbhanga Medical College, Darbhanga