Organophosphorous compounds are one of the most commonly used compounds used for suicidal intentions in the developing countries. Organophosphates by their action at muscarinic and nicotinic receptors can have a myriad of presenting symptoms. Here we describe a fatal case of phorate (organophosphorus) toxicity manifesting with hypothermia and cardiotoxicity. CPK, CPK-MB, and Troponin I in acute organophosphorus poisoning, to analyse the correlation between these biochemical parameters and serum acetylcholinesterase levels and to assess the validity of these biochemical parameters in prediction of severity and prognosis in OP poisoning. CPK-MB levels are frequently raised among the OPC poisoning patients and ECG changes are also frequently observed among the OPC poisoning patients. Researchers tend to understand the association between CPK-MB levels and ECG changes to predict prognosis in OPC poisoning patients presenting in the department of emergency. Laboratory evidence of OP poisoning is usually confirmed by measuring the decreases in the blood and erythrocyte cholinesterase activities. Rise in CPK, CPK-MB, Troponin I and ALT indicate the severity of OP poisoning and is also statistically significant to predict the prognosis of the patient. There are emerging options for new cheaper and/or easily quantifiable biochemical markers in relation to OP poisoning like creatine phosphokinase (CPK).
Keywords: Creatinine phosphokinase-MB, Electrocardiographic changes, Organophosphorus poisoning,
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Corresponding Author
Dr K. Kamal Hasan
Asst.Professor, Department of Medicine, Ayaan Institute of Medical Sciences, Teaching Hospital and Research Centre, Kanakamamidi (V), Moinabad (M), R.R. Dist, Telangana 501504