A rare case of unilocular radiolucency associated with the apices of the left maxillary central and lateral incisor and canine in a 32 years old female is presented. Histologically, the lesion showed foci of giant cell lesion in the wall of radicular cyst, there was no evidence of hyper parathyroidism. The clinic-pathological presentation is likely a histo-pathological curiosity and may be an example of “double” pathology/collision of apical inflammatory pathology and central giant cell lesion or reflect florid osteoclastic resorption.
Keyword: Unilocular radiolucency, hyper parathyroidism, “double” pathology.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Abhishek Banerjee
Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, Awadh Dental College Hospital, Jamshedpur, India