Title: A Clinico Epidemiological Study and Outcome of Burn Injury Patients Visiting Tertiary Care Centre at Gorakhpur District
Authors: Arushi Sumpriya, Neha Priyanka, Kavita Baranwal, D.K. Srivastava
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.74
Objectives: To study the clinic epidemiological correlates of burn injury patients.
Study design: A cross- sectional study
Study Settings: Burn & Plastic Surgery ward, Deptt of Surgery, B R D Medical College, Gorakhpur
Study Period: October 2016 to February 2017
Result: Out of 210 admitted burn patients, 41.4% were male and 58.6% were female subjects showing female predominance. Most of the burn patients belonged to 21–40 years of age group, rural areas, Hindu, unemployed and married. Majority were living in nuclear families (62.4%) belonging to lower socio-economic class. Maximum burns occurred in between 11 am- 5 pm (34.8 %). Thermal or flame burn was common and accidental in nature (88.6%) with female predominance. Cases of domestic burns (86.2%) were more as compared to the outdoor burn (13.8%). The proportion of deep burns was found significantly higher in females (97.4%).Majority of patients (59%) were wearing synthetic clothes at the time of burn. Overall mortality was 46.2%, although mortality was more in female subjects.
Keywords: Burn injuries, sociodemographic factors, hospital, outcome.