Title: Hypocalcemia Following Total Thyroidectomy
Authors: Dr Tarun Reddy, Dr Tejaswini, Dr B. Suryanarayana MS
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.65
Aims: To evaluate the incidence of postoperative hypocalcemia in patients subjected to total thyroidectomy.
Settings and Design: A prospective observational study conducted on 50 patients undergoing total thyroidectomy during a period of 2 years at NRIGH, Chinakakani, Guntur.
Materials and Methods: Data collected from the patients undergoing total thyroidectomies by meticulous history taking, careful clinical examination, appropriate radiological, haematological investigations including serum calcium and follow-up of the cases done after surgery for post-operative hypocalcemia. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistical analysis principles. The study included patients of any gender above 12 years who underwent total thyroidectomy. Patients who had pre-existing hypocalcaemia, who received preoperative calcium supplementation, who underwent completion thyroidectomy were excluded from the study.
Results: Hypocalcaemia presents most commonly in thyroid malignancies. Transient hypocalcaemia is more common than permanent hypocalcaemia in total thyroidectomy.
Conclusion: The study suggests that serum calcium levels significantly decreases after total thyroidectomy. Totally exposing the parathyroid glands during dissection is a key to void complications. Hypocalcaemia was associated more with female and malignant thyroid diseases. Postoperative hypocalcaemia usually manifests within 24 hours after surgery. If clinical sign symptoms of hypocalcaemia are not developed in this period, patient is considered safe. The result, can guide stratifying patients to be discharged early, closely monitor calcium level and early calcium supplementation
Keywords: Total thyroidectomy, complications, hypocalcaemia.