Rising episodes of outbreaks of dengue and chikungunya indicates flourishing of mosquitoes in household containers. mosquito can be controlled by source reduction, health education and community participation. The study was conducted to findout prevalence of larval positivity indices (house index (HI), container index (CI), breteaue index (BI) and pupa index (PI)), and find out the factors leading to long time storage of water. This study was done in 5 randomly selected wards of the municipal corporation Sagar. 400 households were studied, selecting 80 houses from each ward randomly. Pretested structured questionnaire was used for interview with the head of family / adult member of the family. All the containers available and accessible in the households were inspected for presence of mosquito larvae and pupa were counted after staining with an stainer tied with a long stick. The data collected was analysed using SPSS software and chi square test was applied as test of significance. The results show HI, CI, BI and PI of 27.00, 11.19, 28.75 and 43.00 respectively. Large mason tanks, over head tanks and plastic water drum were the most common containers with larvae presence. Regular assured water supply by public water supply system will discourage the people to store water unnecessarily. The water containers should be kept covered properly and water should be changed at least once in a five days period. Large mason tanks should be covered and water may be pumped out to make them empty.
Keywords: mosquito larvae indices, Household containers.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Ram Kumar Panika
Department of Community Medicine, Bundelkhand Medical College Sagar, Madhya Pradesh, India
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Contact No.: 8435575804