This paper depict the role of sonography in diagnosis of intra-hepatic space occupying lesions sonography is considered to be most cost effective priming investigation of choice in evaluation of liver mass & right upper abdominal problem Ultrasound is safe simple of non invasive investigation. It can be applied in the patient with jaundice also. Ultrasonography can provide information regarding the nature of the lesion also. It is particularly useful in distinguishing solid lesion from cystic. In the diagnosis of cystic lesions Ultrasonogrphy has been called on unrivalled the extent of the disease and pattern of involvement of liver parenchyma also determines by sonography.
Keywords: Intra-hepatic space occupying lesion, Rt. upper quadrant swelling, Hepatic SOL, Simplex x-ray, Hepatic angiography, Isotope scanning, Biopsy/FNAC, Computed tomography, Ultrasound.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Rahmat Ali, MS (Ortho), (MCh. Ortho)
Associate Professor, dept. of Orthopedics, Autonomous State Medical College Basti