Title: W Angle: Sagittal Jaw Dysplasia Indicator for orthodontic diagnosis outcome
Authors: Dr Jamadgni Gor, Dr Ajay Kubavat, Dr Manish Desai, Dr Khyati Mahida, Dr Apexa Modh, Dr Alpesh Vaghela
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i5.11
Introduction and objective of study: This study was aimed to check the predictability, variability and also discuss the correlation between ANB angle, Wits appraisal and “W” angle with anterior and posterior sagittal discrepancy parameter.
Methodology: 40 lateral cephalograms were obtained which contains 15 Class-1 Malocclusion, 15 Class-2 and 10 Class-3 patients with Age group of 10-25 years. The cephelograms were traced with the three different parameters (ANB angle, wits appraisal and W angle). The W angle is measured between the perpendicular from point M on S-G line andM-G.
Results: An analysis of variance was done between the groups to test for statistical significance. Categorical variables were evaluated with Pearson correlation test with level of significance P<0.05. Results showed that a patient with a W angle between 51 and 56 degrees can be considered to have a Class I skeletal pattern. With an angle less than 51 degrees, considered to have a skeletal Class II relationship and with an angle greater than 56 degrees, patients have a skeletal Class III relationship. Analysis was performed and highly significant differences were found in ANB, Wits Appraisal and W-angle in all the three Groups (Group I, Group II, and Group III).
Conclusion: It has been concluded that similar to the ANB and Wits Appraisal, the W-angle are also significant angles to assess the sagittal jaw relationship between maxilla and mandible. W angle is more reliable and accurate.
Keywords: W angle, ANB ANGLE, wits appraisal, sagittal discrepancy