Background and Objectives: A significant proportion of hernias require emergency surgery, which is associated with a higher postoperative complication rate than elective surgery and a less favourable outcome. Our aim is to look into the various groin hernias, which require surgical repair as an emergency and look into the various surgeries and also the complications which commonly arise during the patient’s hospital stay.
Methods: 87 patients presenting acutely with symptomatic hernias to the casualty of Department of General Surgery, RIMS Medical College& general hospital, Kadapa who were consenting for surgery between January 2018 and December2018 were selected for the study. All information’s were recorded including age, sex, type of hernia, side and site of hernia, detailed symptamatology, signs, abdominal and local examination findings. We also recorded type of surgery done and operative findings. All patients were followed up during hospital stay and recovery monitored for development of any complications.
Results: Maximum incidence of complicated hernias was in the age group of 60-70 yrs. Even though Increased incidence of complicated hernias were noted among men with a male to female ratio more common 28:1,femoral hernias were more common in women. Right sided hernias were found to be more common (3.35:1).The most common symptom was groin swelling with pain followed by vomiting. Commonest site of obstruction was found to be deep ring. The commonest content was small intestine followed by omentum. The commonest procedure done was hernioplasty (87.3%). 10 out of 87 patients underwent resection anastomosis, and there is a significant association between mean hours of delay in hospitalization and who underwent resection and anastomosis (34.07 hrs.) compared to 7.55 hrs of delay among who did not undergo resection (p value <0.001).13 out of 87 patients had surgical site infection and it was the commonest complication (14.9%) in our study, and 4 patients was from the resection anastamosis group, with a significant association (p value0.038).
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Corresponding Author
Dr N. Prahalada Reddy
Post Graduate, RIMS, Kadapa