India is facing dual burden of underweight and overweight. Approximately 43-48% of Indian men and women of 15-45 years of age group are facing the dual burden out of which 30-36% people are underweight and 9-13% people are overweight. PCI is founded on the principle that heart Rate & walking speed are linearly related to oxygen consumption at sub-maximal levels of exercise. A cross sectional observational study included 48 subject had willing to participate in the study. All subjects divided according to inclusion criteria. Then subjects were asked to performed treadmill walking at their natural walking speed. Then PCI was calculated according to formula. Level of significant was kept 5%.One-Way Anova test was apply and significance result was founded. Multiple comparisons between all groups was doing using Post hoc analysis in Bonferroni correction test. There was a significant difference in value of physiological cost index in different body mass index. There was relation between BMI and oxygen capacity.
Keywords: Physiological cost index, Body mass index, Modified Borg Scale, Treadmill walking, Heart rate.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Namrata Parekh
B. N. Patel College of Physiotherapy, Anand, Gujarat, India
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