Title: Diagnostic and Prognostic evaluation of meningioma by IHC markers- A study of 100 cases
Authors: Prof. Dr Shikha Ghanghoria, Dr Paresh Sodhiya, Dr Vijeta Niranjan, Dr Varsha Argal, Prof. Dr Arvind Ghanghoria
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v7i2.72
Introduction: Meningioma it is basically a tumour originating from meninges as said by by Cushing in 1921. It is typically a benign and slow growing tumour which appears mostly in the late decades of life.
Aim: 1) To evaluate histological subtypes of meningioma according to WHO classification. 2)To evaluate various immunohistochemical markers in meningioma. 3) To evaluate proliferative markers (Ki-67 LI) and correlate it with various histological grades of meningioma.
Materials and Methods: We have studied 100 cases of meningioma over a period of 5 years. Menigioma was diagnosed on the basis of CT Scan, MRI and by histopathological examination, we have correlated it with age and sex distribution, histological type and WHO grading of tumour.IHC markers EMA, vimentin, Pan CK and S100 were applied and confirmation of diagnosis was done, Further the prognosis was evaluated with the help of Ki67.
Results: As per the results meningiomas are more common in females (60%), commonest age group of this tumor is found to be from forth to sixth decade of life.. The commonest histopathological type was meningotheliomatous meningioma. The 96% of the meningioma was WHO GRADE I tumour consist of meningotheliomatous meningioma. EMA was expressed by 94% of all meningiomas, Vimentin positivity seen in all cases of meningioma suggestive of mesenchymal origin, Cytokeratin AE1/AE3 was expressed in 4% of meningiomas and involved predominantly secretory meningiomas(80%). S-100 positivity was seen in 26% cases. Ki – 67 was positive in all the cases of anaplastic meningiomas.
Conclusion: Conclusion drawn show the mean age of meningioma is around 48 years with female preponderance, It does not corresponds with variants and grade of the tumor. Biological behavior of the tumor is studied through 2016 WHO grading system of CNS tumors. Along with the histomrophological features Immunohistochemistry markers i.e. EMA, VIMENTIN, & S-100 should be considered as the diagnostic tool for meningiomas
Keywords: Menigioma, WHO grade, IHC, Ki – 67/MIB-1 index.