Introduction: FNAC is a simple, rapid and minimally invasive technique employed for evaluation of a wide variety of superficial palpable lesions. Enlarged cervical lymph nodes are a common presenting complain across patients of all age groups which are subjected to FNAC. This is a standard baseline study for knowing the pattern of cervical lymphadenopathy. Ina study conducted by Gaurav Batni et al, almost half of the lymph nodes (51.56 %) were reactive without a known cause which was followed by tubercular (28.12 %), malignancy (17.18 %) and lymphoma (3. 1%).Higher incidence of malignancy was seen in 51 -60 years and more than 60 years age group. Tuberculous lymphadenitis was common in 21 – 30 years age group. O A Silas et al observed-on total of 56 samples, out of which 76.8 % were inflammatory and 23.2 % malignant. However tuberculous lesions were seen in only 9.3 % cases.
Material and Methods: A retrospective study will be conducted by analyzing the reports of cervical lymph nodes FNAC from June 2015 to November 2017 at pathology department of Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad in its cytology section. The study would be done on FNAC with 21/22-gauge needle with 20 ml plastic disposable syringe. Three smears would be prepared –
- Air dried smear stained with MGG stain
- Wet fixed smear stained with rapid Papanicolaou stain
- Air dried smear kept reserved for Z N staining.
Conclusion: FNAC is an important tool for clinical diagnosis which helps in planning the medical and surgical management of neck lesions. It can be confirmed with histopathological examination which is a gold standard for diagnosis.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Raj Kumar Prasad
Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Patliputra Medical College, Dhanbad, Jharkhand – 826005
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