Early intervention is associated with better patient compliance will provide better orthopedic response in skeletal class III malocclusion. However, treatment in the mixed or permanent dentition can produce favorable results, so The collaborate use of rapid maxillary expansion and facemask has been a contemporary technique for the maxillary protraction in growing patients with Class III and there is a assumption that the rapid maxillary expansion opens the circumaxillary sutures and facilitates maxillary protraction. It has been reported that the amount of maxillary protraction was 5–6 mm in 5 months under the protocol of alternate rapid maxillary expansions and constrictions (Alt-RAMEC) and was significantly more than rapid maxillary expansion. It was because Alt-RAMEC opened the circumaxillary sutures more extensively than rapid maxillary expansion. This article highlights the combined use of facemask with Alt-RAMEC to treat midface deficiency in growing patients.
Keywords: Skeletal class III, growing patients, Alt-RAMEC.
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Corresponding Author
Dr M. Jeevan Kumar
Department of Orthodontics, Vishnu Dental College, Bhimavarm, Andhra Pradesh, Pin code: 534202
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