Background: Estrogen receptor (ER), Progesterone receptor (PR) and Her2Neu expression status have important roles in prognosis and treatment of breast cancer. This study aims at correlating clinical and pathological features of breast cancer patients with its intrinsic subtypes.
Methods: 100 patients of breast cancer undergoing modified radical mastectomy were selected for the study. Four subtypes based on immunohistochemistry evaluated ER/PR/HER2 status, clinicopathological features, and prognosis were analyzed retrospectively and statistically.
Results: The following distribution was observed : luminal A subtype( ER+, PR+, Her2neu-) – 34 cases, luminal B subtype( ER+,PR+, Her2Neu+) -13 cases, Her2neu enriched (ER-, PR-, Her2Neu++)- 20 cases, basal subtype(triple negative)-33 cases. The clinical features like age, menarche age, parity, years of lactation and presence of risk factors were strongly correlated to breast cancer intrinsic subtypes (p <0.05) while pathological factors like proliferative index is strongly correlated to breast cancer intrinsic subtypes(p<0.05).
Conclusion: Breast cancer intrinsic subtypes are associated with its clinical and pathological features. This association can be helpful in treatment modification of patients with long term follow up. Study also shows the importance of NPI as a correct prognostic indicator and guide for planning adjuvant therapy that uses tumor size, nodal status and tumor grade.
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Corresponding Author
Dipanshu Kakkar
Junior Resident, Department of General and Oncosurgery, Pt. B.D.Sharma, PGIMS, Rohtak