Benign diseases of the breast are the commonest diseases affecting the female covering much morbidity and anxiety in them. Up to 30% of the women will suffer from benign breast lesions requiring treatment at some time of their life. Premenopausal women are most affected.
The most common symptoms are lump (47%) and pain (35%).
Aim of the treatment is to exclude malignancy and once this has been done, to treat any remaining symptoms.
Our study is intended to find out the common Benign breast diseases affecting the women in reproductive age group and the common clinical presentation and various investigations adopted and analyze different modalities of the treatment in my Vinayaka Missions Kirupananda Variyar Medical College Hospital.
Objectives of The study
To assess
- The age groups commonly affected in various Benign Breast Diseases.
- The clinical presentation of various Benign Breast Diseases (BBD)
- The cytological features
- The accuracy of FNAC in BBD
- The efficacy of medical and surgical management of various BBD in patients who were admitted in our hospital from the period of October 2009 to October 2011.
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Corresponding Author
Navaneethan GP
Associate Professor, Annapoorna Medical College and Hospitals, Salem