WHO defines ‘public health’ as the science and art of promoting health, preventing disease and prolonging life through the organized efforts of the Society. Public health is a social and political concept aimed at improving health, prolonging life and quality of life among whole populations through health promotion, disease prevention and other forms of health interventions.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), a well-functioning health system working in harmony is fabricated on trained and motivated health workers, a well-maintained infrastructure, and a consistent supply of medicines and technologies, backed by sufficient funding, well-built health plans and evidence-based policies. A health system consists of all organizations, people and actions whose primary goal is to promote, restore or maintain health. The overall health systems objective is to improve population health outcomes in an impartial way without burden people with health care expenditure.
India’s health care system was carefully prepared at the time of Independence (1947) to make available primary, preventive, and curative health care within a reachable distance of the population even in isolated, rural areas. Health care services at the primary, secondary and tertiary level, run mainly by State Governments, afford free or very low cost medical services. Over the past seventy years (since 1947), public health infrastructure and services have undergone significant changes and massive expansion in scale and nature based on recommendations by a number of expert committees.
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Corresponding Author
Madan Mohan Laddunuri