Title: Sexual Dysfunction in BPH Patients
Authors: Dr V. Ravi, Dr N. Narayanamoorthy
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.174
Introduction: Sexual dysfunction affects couple's relationship and the quality of life of the patients and partner irrespective of the age. Lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of BPH are highly prevalent among elderly. Sexual dysfunction is much more prevalent in patients with LUTS/BPH than in men without them, even after controlling for confounding variables such as age and co morbid illness.
Aim: To evaluate the prevalence of sexual dysfunction in LUTS patients due to BPH. To assess the effect of LUTS due to BPH on sexual dysfunction. To assess the treatment effects on sexual function.
Materials and Methods: All patients admitted in our urology department with LUTS due to BPH in the period between April 2015 to October 2016 were included for evaluation. After obtaining informed consent the linguistic version of International prostate symptom score (IPPS) and Male sexual function scale questionnaire (MSFQ) were given to all the patients. All patients with LUTS due to BPH were evaluated with History and physical examination, Digital rectal examination and focused neurological examination, Baseline blood parameters, USG Abdomen and Pelvis, uroflow, Post void residual urine volume measurement. All the information were recorded.
Results: 120 patients included in this study. 23 patients (19.1%) were 50-59 years, 73 patients (60.8%) were 60-69 years, 23 patients (19.1%) were 70-79 years, 1 patient (8%) was 80-89 years age group.78% of (50-59 years) had mild or moderate symptoms. 94.5% of (60-69years) had bothersome moderate to severe symptoms. Severe degree of symptoms were present in most of the patients in the 70-79 years age group. Among the120 patients 28 (23.3%) were very much bothered about sexual dysfunction. 20% patients (16.6%) were moderately bothered about their sexual dysfunction. 30% patients not at all bothered about their sexual dysfunction.
Conclusion: The prevalence of sexual dysfunction in patients with LUTS is 70%. The severity of sexual dysfunction correlate with severity of LUTS. Ejaculatory function deteriorates after treatment of LUTS due to BPH.