Title: Ocular Surface Manifestations in ICU Patients
Authors: Dr Sankalpa K C, Dr Shanthala Arun Kumar, Dr Ajay .S.Hatti
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.161
Background: ocular manifestations are most common in icu patients because of impaired ocular protective mechanisms
Aims and Objectives: 1) To study the ocular surface manifestations in ICU.2) To look for the association between eye lid position and ocular surface manifestations.
Materials and Methods: prospective hospital based study among 96 patients hospitalized in ICU. Anterior segment examination is done by torch light. Eye lid position and keratopathy noted.
Conclusion: The study found out the correlation between different eyelid position and the ocular surface disorder with significant p value.13 patients among 59 having different lid position other than lids apposed developed ocular surface manifestations.
Keywords: correlation, eye lid position, ocular surface manifestations.