Title: Scrape cytology as an adjuvant to histopathology in a tribal setup
Author: Dr Dnyanada Namdeo Kokode, Dr Sabiha A Maimoon, Dr Anne Wilkinson
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.143
Introduction: Cytology is being used commonly for intra operative diagnosis to know the nature of the lesion and extent of surgical margins. It can also be used in as an adjuvant to histopathology in surgical camps in tribal areas, where the patients are inadvertently lost to follow up, it becomes difficult for operating surgeons to plan the course of action specially in cases of borderline or frankly malignant lesions
Material and Methods: The study was conducted in a rural hospital in Maharashtra and included 30 tribal patients posted for surgery. Detailed clinical history and significant findings were noted. FNAC was performed a day before the surgery. FNAC smears were fixed in absolute alcohol & stained with rapid PAP and rapid Hematoxylin and Eosin stain. Diagnosis on FNA and scrape was given. Excision biopsies and specimens histopathological examination was done and was correlated with ytology.
Results: The present study included 30 cases. The diagnostic accuracy of the FNAC was found to be 93.3% while that of scrape cytology was found to be 96.6%.
Conclusion: Scrape cytology has an advantage of being a simple, quick, safe and accurate method for diagnosis at the time of surgery, so that it is helpful to the surgeon to provide complete treatment to the patients who are lost to follow up.
Keywords: FNAC, scrape cytology, histopathology.