Aim: To study the morphology and morphometric analysis of the mental foramen using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in dentate adult patients.
Materials and Methods: 108 CBCT’s were analyzed and assessment of the distance between the upper and lower cortical areas of the mental foramen to the alveolar crest and the inferior border of the mandibular bone respectively, as well as the location, shape and size of the mental foramen.
Results: The mean age of patients with right mandibular measurements was 39.9 years (SD = 15.93) and with left mandibular measurements was 41.0 years (SD= 16.91). Oval was the most frequent shape and most frequent position of the mental foramen was position IV followed by positions III, V and VI. The mean distance from the upper cortical area of the mental foramen to the alveolar crest was 13.54mm (SD = 2.11) on right side and 12.85mm (SD = 1.80) on left side, and the lower cortical area to the mandibular basal bone was 13.77mm (SD = 1.66) on right side and 13.75mm (SD = 1.65) on left side respectively. The size of the mental foramen as per right and left side of the mandible was 2.67mm (SD = 0.75) and 2.85mm (SD = 1.06) respectively with a range of 0.8mm to 6.0mm.
Conclusion: The knowledge of the exact location of the mental foramen and its variations helps to properly plan surgical procedures and to administer anesthesia effectively without damaging the neurovascular bundle.
Keywords: Cone-beam computed tomography, Mental foramen, Mandibular basal bone, Alveolar crest.
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Bashir Ahmad Wani
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