Backgorund: The study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, during one and half year (from January 2016 to June 2017). Biochemical examinations and Ultrasound studies were done in the respective departments of the same Hospital.
In this study, out of 100 patients there were 71 primigravida and 21 multigravidas. In the misoprostol group, out of 36 primigravida and14 multigravida, 31 patients and 13 patients delivered vaginally with an average of successful delivery rate 88%. Only 12 % patient (6 in number) needed LSCS.
In control group 2a (Oxytocin n =25) the result is similar like misoprostol group with a success rate of vaginal delivery 88% and only 12 % patient needed LSCS.
In control group 2b (PGE2 Gel n = 25) the successful vaginal rate is 72 % and LSCS rate is 28%
Keywords: Operative, Delivery & Indication.
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Corresponding Author
Dr Mohini Rajoriya
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, M.G.M Medical College, Indore, India