Title: Observation of lipid profile in individuals suffering from diabetes mellitus of different age groups, sex and socioeconomic status in Bihar
Authors: Mamta Kumari, R.V.N Singh
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.42
Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin hormone. Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterized by insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion and increase glucose production. Type 1 diabetes mellitus results from a severe absolute lack of insulin caused by a reduction in beta cell mass.
Material and Methods: For the present study the cases were selected from those non insulin dependent diabetics patient (NIDDM) attending the diabetic clinic of Patna medical college and hospital, Patna. Normal healthy person (control) of comparable age groups was taken from staffs, attendants of indoor and outdoor patients.
Results: Serum total cholesterol (TC) level in diabetic patients (type 2 NIDDM) was higher in above 40 yrs group than below 40 years group in both male and female. But in comparison to control of similar age and sex groups there was no significant alteration in the total cholesterol level of diabetic patients. Serum high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level in diabetic group was significantly lower to control of comparable age groups in both male and female. Serum HDL cholesterol level in diabetic groups of male and female were found not to be influenced by severity or duration of the disease.
Conclusion: From our study it was concluded Diabetes mellitus has a real impact on carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus. Total cholesterol, Non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, High density lipoprotein.