Title: Postpartum IUCD: 2 years Experience at a Tertiary Care Hospital
Authors: Sr. Prof. Dr Bharti Saxena, Dr Anjali Jasawat
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.31
Background: Sixty five percent women in first year postpartum period have unmet need for family planning, but only 26% are using any contraceptive. Almost 61% of births have average birth to birth interval of less than the recommended 36 months. After the inception of Postpartum IUCD program in 2009; CuT380 A is being provided to women soon after birth in government setting. It has the advantage of being effective, long acting, reversible and safe during breast feeding.
Method: Present study was undertaken to assess the rates of acceptance, complications, removal and expulsion at 6 week follow up.
Results: Study included 25,076 parturients delivered in the 2 year period out of which 1120 accepted PPIUCD (4.47%). Acceptance rate in vaginal delivery was 38.48% (28.40% postplacental & 10.08% Immediate postpartum) and 61.52 in Intra caesarian insertion. Amongst acceptors 30.44% were primipara and 69.55% were multipara. 38.31% reported for follow up, 7.68% contacted on phone and 54.01% were lost to follow up. Out of total 515 (45.99%) patients who were followed up: 85.44% had no complaints 6.99% had irregular bleeding PV, 4.66% had pain abdomen, 1.16 had vaginal discharge, 1.74% had missing threads. Removal rate at 6 weeks was 9.19% and continuation rate 89.73%. Out of 103 removals maximum (34.95%) were for irregular bleeding followed by social reasons 24.27%. There was no case of perforation.
Conclusion: PPIUCD is effective and safe contraception option for Indian Women. Better counseling may result in lesser removals and higher continuation rates.
Keywords: PPIUCD, Cotraception, CuT380 A.