Title: Boix-Ochoa Anti Reflux Procedure: An Institutional Experience
Authors: Dr Sunil S Menon, Dr Vivek P Sarma, Dr Sivakumar K, Dr R Hema
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.23
The term GER implies a functional process in a healthy infant with no underlying systemic abnormalities. It is a common condition involving "spitting up" or “throwing up " after eat that does not require treatment. GERD in contrast, is a pathologic process in infants. It manifests with poor weight gain, signs of esophagitis and persistent respiratory symptoms. Careful evaluation and treatment are required. Nissen`s fundoplication is the widely used procedure for GERD. Boix-Ochoa procedure for GERD is an alternative to Nissen’s fundoplication in the paediatric age group.
Aim of the study
The aim of this series is to study the short term outcome after operative therapy for symptomatic GERD in paediatric patients.
A retrospective study of 8 patients who underwent Boix-Ochoa procedure for GERD during the period of Dec 2005 to May 2007 was done. This is a pilot study, as a part of review of all cases that underwent Boix-Ochoa procedure during a ten year period from 2005 to 2015. Operative Indications were either Respiratory disease or Oesophageal disease. Respiratory symptoms were, aspiration pneumonia, reactive airway disease or apnea. Oesophageal symptoms were Hemetemesis and strictures. Pre op evaluation was done with Barium meal study, which showed significant reflux into the oesophagus in all cases.