Solitary nodule of thyroid can present in wide spectrum ranging from true solitary nodule or dominant nodule or ectopic thyroid tissue and have a varied presentation and diagnostic and therapeutic modalities differ from patient to patient. The aim of the study is to review the incidence data, observe clinical presentation, rate of malignant nodules, confirm role of surgery as the therapeutic tool and role of histopathology in managing the patients.
Materials and Methods: A prospective study of solitary nodule of thyroid patients presenting in Department of General Surgery at Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Chidambaram, Tamilnadu, between period of 3 yrs between June2015 to June2018.
Results: Out of 112 patients who presented as goitre 22 patients was found to have SNG of these 15 cases were SNG and 7 cases had multinodular goitre. In true SNG group 2 patients had malignancy of these 12 patients was treated with Total thyroidectomy, 6 patients with hemithyroidectomy and 2 patients, with small nodule is treated conservatively and 2 patients not willing for any treatment.
Conclusion: In this study 11.4% of SNT is found to be malignant and males are more prone for malignancy and more common among extremes of age. FNAC is a gold standard investigation and accuracy of diagnosing SNT is 94% Hemithyroidectomy acts as diagnostic method as well as minimal and therapeutic procedure in SNT. A selective surgical policy should be practised to resect SNT.
Keywords: Solitary nodule, Thyroid nodule, Hemithyroidectomy.
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