Title: Incidence of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Malignancy in Patients with Dyspepsia-A Prospective Study
Authors: Dr Laxminarayan Mohanty, Dr Sujit Kumar Mohanty, Dr Manindra Nayak
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i9.03
Background: Dyspepsia is having one or more symptoms of epigastric pain, discomfort, post prandial fullness, early satiety. It may be functional or organic. Among the organic causes of dyspepsia, only 5.12% are found to be malignant of which Adenocarcinoma stomach is the main cause followed by s.c.c of esophagus.Ca stomach is more common in blood grp A ,alcoholic,& in male patients. Antrum is the most common site of involvement, more common in 6th decade of life. Abdominal pain is the most common presentation followed by anorexia. This study hi lights these risk factors in detail & compares the results with other studies.
Aim & Objectives: To know the incidence of malignancy in the dyspeptic group to take endoscopic biopsy, HP study confirmation and to correlate various causative agents & risk factors.
Material & Methods: This prospective study was based on detailed study of 780 pts with dyspepsia attending S.C.B medical college 0PD of gen surgery, gen medicine, gastroenterology during the period from sept 2014 to sept 2016.in the dept. of gen. surgery. A detail history, clinical exam was carried out.pts were selected according to the inclusion criteria. They underwent routine investigations, endoscopic evaluation & biopsy whenever required. The results showed the incidence of GI malignancy & its contributory factors.
Results: In the prospective study in 780 dyspeptics pts 55%were functional dyspepsia & 45% were organic. Among organic dyspepsia 5.12% were detected with malignancy (max. age 6th decade). Adenocarcinoma stomach was the most common followed by s. c. c of esophagus. Factors associated with ca stomach are male, alcohol, blood gr A, low socio economic status. Abdominal pain was the most consistent finding (90%), followed by anorexia (80%), wt loss, weakness. Our results are almost comparable to the results of other studies.
Conclusion: GI malignancy particularly Adenocarcinoma stomach followed by s.c.c esophagus were found only 5.12% of the total no of pts with organic dyspepsia. There is a strong need to educate people regarding the risk factors like smoking, alcohol use, other life style.
Keywords: organic dyspepsia, GI malignancy, adenocarcinoma stomach.