Title: Comparison between the Effects of Superficial Abdominal and Core Muscle Strengthening on Hemodynamic Parameters in Females with Body Mass Index more than Twenty Five
Authors: Dr Shradha Sawant Deshpande, Ms. Niramayee Prabhu
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.184
It has been proved that obese population shows a reduced strength of the abdominal muscles and core muscles. Studies have also shown that obese population have a reduced abdominal strength and increased of fluctuations in the hemodynamic parameters. There are few studies conducted on the immediate effects of abdominal exercises on hemodynamic parameters in normal young individuals. But, a limited literature was available on the comparison between the core and abdominal exercise as a long-term effect on the immediate changes in these parameters. Hence the purpose of the study was to find the effects of Superficial Abdominal and Core Muscle Strengthening on Hemodynamic Parameters in females with Body Mass Index more than Twenty Five. Nineteen subjects were randomly divided in group A and group B with Body mass Index > 25.Group A underwent superficial muscle strengthening and Group B for core muscle strengthening for 3days/week for 6weeks.Significant improvement was seen in both groups with respect to abdominal strength, all hemodynamic parameters except diastolic Blood pressure(p-value 0.095*) and Waist –Hip Ratio (p-value 0.968*). According to analysis it was concluded that core muscle strengthening is better for stabilizing hemodynamic parameters as compared to superficial abdominal strengthening.
Keywords: Overweight, Obese, Core Strengthening, Superficial Abdominals.