Bizarre immunological changes have been known to occur when whole blood is stored. This study investigated the changes that could occur in chemokine profile in whole blood stored in CPDA-1 anticoagulant/preservative for 28 days. This was an observational longitudinal study. The study was carried out at Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Medical services, Akpajo, Rivers State. The effect of storage on these parameters were assessed and compared with a control. A total of 50 samples divided into 5 sets (1, 7, 14, 21, 28 days) of 10 samples each, gotten from 10 apparently healthy voluntary donors with day 1 samples used as control. The blood donors were between the ages of 24 to 57 years. Chemokine (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNF-α) were analyzed with reagents from Elabscience, Nuhan, China, using ELISA machine. The mean chemokine values for Day 1 and Day 28 were respectively IL-6: 14.61 ± 8.88pg/ml and 1064 ± 232.8pg/ml IL-8: 46.96 ± 8.32pg/ml and 769 ± 196.3pg/ml IL-10: 18.45 ± 14.56pg/ml and 1101 ± 249.4pg/ml and TNFα: 30.38± 26.52 pg/ml and 1096 ± 281.4 pg/ml. There was a significant increase in the mean values of chemokines at P-values <0.0001.Increase in the concentration of chemokines (IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and TNFα) could probably be due to WBC degradation, which could induce pro-inflammatory response upon blood transfusion. It is therefore necessary to put into consideration the need for whole blood to undergo leukodepletion before storage and if it must be stored beyond one week. .
Keywords: Chemokine profile, stored whole blood.
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