Title: A Study of Morphology and Histopathology of Ligature Marks in Asphyxial Deaths by Compression of Neck in Jodhpur Region, Rajasthan
Authors: Dr Navneet Sharma, Dr Amit Shrivastava, Dr P.C. Vyas
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.170
Introduction: The ligature mark is vital piece of evidence in asphyxia deaths. There has been extensive study about external appearance of asphyxia deaths due to hanging and ligature strangulation but histopathological study of the neck structures in these cases are very few. In this study an attempt has been made to establish the most reliable morphological and histopathological features for differentiating the pattern of ligature mark in cases of asphyxial deaths.
Materials and Methods: Hospital based observational study was carried out at a tertiary care teaching hospital of western Rajasthan over a period of one year. Total 104 cases of hanging and strangulation were taken for study. Details about morphological findings of ligature mark were noted and tissue section including samples of skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles, thyrohyoid complex and cervical lymph nodes from neck beneath the ligature mark were dissected out and sent in 10% formalin for histopathological examination.
Results: Common morphological findings of ligature mark in hanging were single (91%), atypical (89%), discontinuity of ligature mark (98%), incomplete encirclement (98%), oblique mark (100%), Parchmentisation (56%), Reddish-browncolour (23%), pale (21%) while in ligature strangulation these were single (50%), multiple (50%), discontinuity of ligature mark (25%), complete encirclement (75%), transverse (75%), Parchmentisation (50%), Reddish-browncolour (50%), extravasation of blood (100%). Common histopathological findings of ligature mark in hanging were abraded epidermis (38%), dermal congestion (48%), muscle hemorrhage (37%), muscle necrosis (7%), muscle autolysis (9%), perifollicular congestion (23%), perifollicular hemorrhage (7%), congestion of lymph node (21%)while in ligature strangulation these were dermal hemorrhage (75%), dermal congestion (25%), muscle hemorrhage (75%) muscle necrosis (25%), perifollicular hemorrhage (75%) and congestion of lymph node (100%).
Conclusion: The present study concluded that a detailed evaluation of the gross and histopathological findings of the ligature mark, if undertaken would be more conclusive in establishing the cause and manner of death to aid in the administration of justice.
Keywords: Asphyxial deaths, hanging, strangulation, ligature mark, morphology, histopathology.