Title: Assessment of Fetal Malnutrition and its proportion among AGA and SGA using CAN Score
Authors: Dr Surinder Singh, Dr Arvind Sood
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.151
Objectives: Use of clinical assessment of nutritional status (CAN) score to assess the prevalence of fetal malnutrition and its proportion among Appropriate for gestational age(AGA)& small for gestational age(SGA).
Study Design: Prospective observational hospital based study
Setting: Tertiary care hospital, Kamla Nehru Hospital, an associated hospital of Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla.
Methods: Out of one thousand twelve live births during the study period 529 newborns which were fulfilling the required criteria were enrolled in the study. All the enrolled newborns were assessed for weight, length, OFC, MAC, MAC/OFC and Ponderal index. The data also comprised of demographic and social factors viz. maternal age, socioeconomic status, dietary habits, maternal education, occupation, parity, residence, altitude and antenatal care. Clinical assessment of nutritional status using CAN score suggested by Metcoffand its proportion was assessed in AGA and SGA using appropriate statistics.
Results: The study population had mean birth weight of 2822.80±447.64, mean length 48.0319±2.1963, mean OFC 33.6866±1.3510, mean MAC 8.8866±0.8349, MAC/OFC 0.2636±2.039 E-02 and mean CANSCORE 25.8110±4.2299.The study showed 29% LBW babies. Fetal malnutrition was seen in both small for gestational age (SGA) and appropriate for gestational age (AGA).
Conclusion: Fetal malnutrition was much more in small for gestational age but present in both groups i.e. AGA and SGA.
Keywords: Newborn, SGA, AGA, Neonatal anthropometry, CAN Score, Fetal malnutrition.