Title: FNAC vs Biopsy – Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid
Authors: Dr I J Jinu, Dr Dimmy Harold
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.137
Background and Rationale
Thyroid nodules are the most common thyroid disorders and their incidence increases with advancing age. Palpable thyroid nodules among adults are very common with prevalence of approximately 4- 7 % and more common in women. Fortunately most are benign, the incidence of thyroid malignancy is about 3.7/100000, and however, 30-50 % of previously irradiated neck harbours thyroid malignancy. Most common thyroid malignancy is papillary carcinoma. (PCT). FNAC (Fine Needle Asiration Cytology) is the preliminary investigation of choice in establishing the nodule being malignant or benign, major pitfall of FNAC is that it cannot differentiate between follicular adenoma and carcinoma. We are trying to identify the efficacy of FNAC for choosing the treatment in PCT (Papillary Carcinoma Thyroid).