Title: A Study of Topical Honey versus Povidone in Diabetic Wounds in a Medical College in Rural Area of Northern India
Authors: Rajinder Pal Singal, Muzzafer Zaman
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.132
Objectives: This study was done to compare outcomes with dressings of honey to povidone iodine in the management of diabetic foot ulcers.
Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out for a period of three years from may 2012 to august 2016 in a medical college of northern India. About 200 patients who presented with features of diabetic foot were selected randomly and included in this study and divided into two groups based upon the subsequent treatment of raw area with honey and povidone- iodine respectively.
Results: A total of 200 patients were studied. Group I consists of 100 patients out of which 58 were males and 42 females while in Group II there were 56 males and 44 females. The age range in group I was 46 to 75 years while the age range in group II was 48 to 82 years.
In case of group I time of healing was 7- 75 days with median of 28 While in group II time of healing was 7- 60 days with median of 18 days. In case of group II time of healing was 7 – 60 days with median of 18 days, hospital stay was 7- 34 days with median of 12 days.
Conclusion: In terms of hospital stay, time of healing, allergy to material and need for amputation honey was found to be better than povidone iodine solution for dressing of diabetic foot ulcers.
Keywords: Honey, diabetic foot, povidone iodine.