Title: Comparative Study of Efficacy of Nebulized Beta 2 Agonist vs Nebulized Adrenaline in Bronchiolitis
Authors Dr Aamir Ali, Dr Kumar Shambhu Nath, Dr Ashit Kumar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.123
Bronchiolitis is an acute communicable disease predominantly manifesting in infancy mainly caused by RSV and characterized by cough, coryza, fever, grunting, tachypnoea, retractions, inspiratory crackles, expiratory wheezes and air trapping. Other infectious agents associated with bronchiolitis are parainfluenza (type 1,2,3) mycoplasma pneumonia.
An estimated 150 million new cases of bronchiolitis occur annually worldwide out of which 10-20 million are severe enough to require hospitalization.
In India epidemics occur in winter and monsoon and may last for 1 to 5 month peaking in month of February.
It is more common in boys than girls, in babies who are bottle fed and in children who lives in crowded urban areas. (Stanley J.Snierzewski;JUNE 2011)
It is generally a self limiting condition and in most cases the clinical picture improves within one week.
Acute bronchiolitis is characterized by bronchiolar obstruction due to edema with or without spasm, accumulation of mucus and cellular debris and by invasion of bronchioles by virus.
Treatment of infants with bronchiolitis is largely supportive and symptomatic with minimal handling, proper position, supplementation of cool and humidified oxygen, adequate hydration, care of secretion, ventilator support, careful and frequent monitoring of infant.