Infertility is a problem as old as mankind itself. Approximately 10% to 15% of all married couple are infertile with female factors accounting for approximately 40% of these cases which include uterine tubal, ovarian and other factors. Uterine factors are responsible for 5% to 10% of etiologies1. Uterine conditions causing infertility consists of Mullerian anomalies, fibroids, polyps, synechiae.TVS is an imaging modality of choice for monitoring follicular development 2 and can also demonstrate congenital uterine anomalies.
Modern hysteroscopy has two major applications: First diagnosis and second management of intrauterine defects. Investigators showed that 34% to 62% of infertile patients have uterine abnormality recognized by hysteroscopy that could explain infertility3.
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- SergioReis Soares, Marcos Messala Batisk, Arolodo Fernando Camargos Diagnostic accuracy of sonohysterography , transvaginal sonography and hysterosalpingography in patients with uterinecavity diseases; Fertil Steril: Feb 2000: 73:2: 406-410
- Josef Shalev , Israel Meizner, Italy Bar-Hava, Dov Dicker , Ruben Mashiach, Zion Ben-Rafael: Predictive value of transvaginal sonography performed before routine diagnostic hysteroscopy for evaluation of infertility Fertil Steril: Feb 2000: 73:2: 412-417
- Valle RF: Hysteroscopy in evaluation of female infertility ; Am J Obstet Gynecol 1980:137:425-431
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Corresponding Author
Dr Ramneek Kaur
Consultant Gynaecologist Indus International Hospital, Derabassi
Contact No.: 8146457631, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.