Background: A post-terms pregnancy is a pregnancy that lasts longer than 42 weeks. Because there are some very serious risks for both mother and baby, your healthcare provider will follow a post-term pregnancy closely. The aim of this study to evaluated the maternal & fetal complications and outcomes in pregnancy beyond 40 weeks.
Material & Methods: The Prospective hospital based study has been carried out on 150 patients at or beyond 40 weeks of gestation in Umaid Hospital attached to Dr. Sampurnanand Medical College, Jodhpur. Participants after understanding the study protocol and procedure will be asked to give their written consents for the study.
Results: The mean age of post was 23.8% in >42 weeks and 23.9% in pregnancy >40 weeks. The Rate of bishop Score being less than 6(>6) is statistically different between pregnancy >40 weeks and >42 weeks, P value = 0.0093 (<0.05-significant). The perinatal morbidity Rate is statistically different between pregnancy >40 and >42 weeks, P value = 0.0375 (<0.05-significant). The Incidence of Apgar score of newborn Being less than 6(<6) at Minute is statistically different between pregnancy>40 and >42 weeks, P value = 0.0005 (<0.05-significant).
Conclusion: The key to a favourable outcome in post term pregnancy requires a blending of timely consultation with a specialist in maternal fetal medicine, an individualized plan management for each patient and patient involvement in treatment decision.
Keywords: Post-term pregnancy, fetal outcome, maternal outcome, Bishop score.
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Corresponding Author
Dr R.K. Bishnoi
Associate Professor, Dept. of Paediatrics, Bangur Hospital
Government Medical College, Pali, Rajasthan