Title: A Rarity Seen in Female Inguinal Hernias
Authors: Coelho Victor, Rajesh J Selvakumar, Mark Ranjan Jesudason
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.99
A thirty-year-old lady presented with left lower abdominal pain radiating to the groin for one day. The pain was associated with a left groin swelling. On examination there was a 3 × 3 cm globular, non-fluctuant, tender and irreducible swelling in the left groin, with a positive cough impulse. Examination of the other hernial sites were normal. She underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy proceed left inguinal exploration and hernia repair. Intraoperatively there was left indirect inguinal hernia with the left ovary, fallopian tube and ectopic rudimentary horn of the uterus as contents. Her post-operative period in the ward was uneventful and she was discharged on the fourth post-operative day.