Title: An Experimental Study to Assess the Effectiveness of an Information Booklet on Knowledge Regarding Home Care Management of Post-CABG Patient among Caregivers in Selected Hospitals of Pune City
Authors: Ms. Sinam Julia Devi, Mrs. Archala Khemnar
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i6.95
Introduction: Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women. Heart failure is the most common cause of death among coronary artery bypass graft patients. The number of bypass surgeries is increasing in India. About 60,000 bypass surgeries are done annually in India. Patient and caregiver’s education on homecare of post-CABG is an essential component of nursing care aimed at assisting patients in caring for themselves at home, following discharge from hospital as family member plays a vital role in the rehabilitation process.
Objectives: The study aims to assess the knowledge regarding home care management of post-CABG patient among caregivers before and after administration of information booklet, to determine the effectiveness of information booklet and to find out the association between pre-test knowledge scores with selected demographic variables.
Methods and Materials: A quantitative research approach was adopted with pre-experimental one group pre test- post test design to measure the effectiveness of Information booklet. The study was conducted among 100 caregivers from 3 selected hospitals of Pune city by using non probability purposive sampling technique. Self Structure Questionnaire was used for data collection.
Results: The mean value of post-test (23.98) and SD=3.895 is more than mean value of pre-test (mean=14.79 & SD=3.718). In that Wilcoxon ‘z’ table value is 2 and calculated value (8.69) is more than the tabulated value (at 0.05 levels) which indicate that information booklet is effective in increasing the knowledge level. Since p-value corresponding to demographic variable of educational qualification was 0.002 (less than 0.05), occupation was 0.008 (less than 0.05), so educational qualification and occupation was found to have significant association with the home care management of post-CABG patient.
Conclusion: The study showed that information booklet is effective in increasing the knowledge regarding home care management of post-CABG patient among caregivers.
Keywords: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG), Caregivers.